This Public Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") determines the procedure for the services for the search, selection, processing and sorting of data, as well as services for providing access materials provided to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Services), as well as mutual rights, obligations and the relationship between the Joynity OÜ (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"), on the one hand, and the Services Customer, on the other hand, who accepted the public offer (offer) to conclude this Agreement.
1. Basic concepts and definitions used in this agreement
1.1. For the purposes of this offer, the following conditional terms and definitions are used in the following meaning:
Agreement - an agreement between the Customer and the Contractor for the provision of the services for the search, selection, processing and sorting of data, as well as services for providing access of materials and other services provided to the Customer Contractor, which is through payment (acceptance) of the offer.
Offer - this document, public agreement. The publication (placement) of the text of the public agreement on information stands is a public offer (offer) addressed to a wide range of people with the aim of providing certain types of services. A fact confirming the conclusion of a public agreement by the Customer of services is its payment - acceptance.
Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer through the implementation of the actions specified in clause 3.5 point 3 of this Agreement. Acceptance of an offer creates an Agreement.
Services for the search, selection, processing and sorting of data - services, as a result of which the Customer is provided with information material in the field of dentistry using the global computer network Internet using the portal (hereinafter referred to as the portal).
Customer - a legal entity or an individual, an individual entrepreneur who has applied to the portal, having the intention to use the Services, has paid for the offer and is a consumer of services under the concluded Agreement.
2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Services to the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to accept the Services and pay for it's in the manner and on the conditions specified by this Agreement.
2.2. The list of Services that can be provided under this Agreement, the dates for the provision of the Services and other conditions that determine the procedure for the provision of the Services, as well as other information that is essential for the provision of the Services, is posted by the Contractor on the portal. Terms of service provision: 180 days from the date of adding information materials and online lessons to the Customer's personal account on the portal.
2.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change and / or supplement the terms of this public offer unilaterally, adjust the current price lists for services, introduce new Annexes and Additions to this Agreement. The text of changes and / or additions to this Agreement or its new edition, as well as other changes is brought to the public by the Contractor by publishing the text of changes and / or additions to this Agreement or its new edition, as well as other changes on the portal and comes into force from the moment of publication.
2.4. The customer is obliged to independently check for changes on the portal. Continued use of the services after notification on the portal about changes in the current terms of this Agreement, its Annexes and other changes is considered as the consent of the Customer with the changes and additions made.
3. Payment of the Offer and conclusion of the Agreement
3.1. This Agreement is a public agreement, in accordance with which the Contractor undertakes to provide Services in relation to any persons (Customers) who apply for these Services.
3.2. Placing the text of this Agreement on the Contractor's portal is a public offer (offer) of the Contractor addressed to any consumer (indefinite number of persons) - the Customer (Customers) to conclude this Agreement.
3.3. The conclusion of this Agreement is made by joining the Customer to this Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions and reservations.
3.4. The Customer fills out the registration form posted on the website The registration form completed by the Customer is the basis for invoicing (link) for payment. The Customer can send the billing data (data for payment link) or contact on the issue of cooperation with the Contractor's customer service specialists according to the data specified in the details for this agreement or on the portal.
3.5. A fact confirming the acceptance by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement is the payment by the Customer of the Services in the manner and on the conditions determined by this Agreement.
3.6. This Agreement, subject to compliance with the procedure for its payment, shall be deemed concluded in simple written form in Tallin, Estonia.
3.7. This Offer is valid in that edition and on the conditions that existed at the time of its payment.